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Privacy and cookie policy

Data protection information

1. Data relating to the Titleholder

Responsible for treatment

Company: ATYPICAL FOUNDERS SLU (" Fancyhaus ")

Contatto: [email protected]

2. Scopi

In accordance with the provisions of the European Regulation 2016/679 General on Data Protection and the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights, we inform you that, in accordance with the report that you have with us, a Fancyhaus we treat the data provided for some, or all, of the following scopes:

  • Company's employees and former employees' history/sheet
  • Acquisition/sale of goods and services.
  • Control and supervision of the efficiency and quality of the entity.
  • Coordination of corporate activities
  • Creation of contracts, preparation of paid invoices and other related activities.
  • Invio di informazioni commerciali dell'entità tramite posta ordinaria, e-mail o altri
  • Training
  • Accounting and administrative management, invoicing, taxation, taxation and payments.
  • Maintenance of the labor relationship and compensation for the work activity performed
  • Fornisci loro un servizio
  • Publication of personal data on various social networks or other modes of publication
  • POS payment processing
  • To carry out a personnel selection process based on skills, attitudes and other data of interest included in the curriculum.
  • Service rendering report
  • After-sales service and customer loyalty
  • Elaboration of the registration and claims for common illness or work-related accidents.
  • Elaboration of the bilancio
  • Use of data derived from the company's activities.


3. Data retention period

Your data will be kept for the entire duration of the contractual, commercial or other relationship with our company, requesting cancellation, as well as the time necessary to comply with legal obligations.

 4. Legittimazione

The legal basis for the treatment of your data is:

  • Unequivocal consensus
  • Execution of a contract

5. Addressee

Your personal data will be communicated to third parties in the following ways:

  • Rate administration
  • Banks and financial institutions
  • Document Distribution Managers
  • Advertising and marketing entities
  • Management/Consulenza
  • Social security
  • Workplace Risk Prevention Service

In particular, the user agrees that all his personal data will be transferred in full to the entity Aplázame SL (NIF B-87074977 ) from the moment in which it has begun to contract the service of differed payment offered by the latter at the moment of the selection of the payment method. This acceptance extends to the third parties who must access the files for the good success of the financing contract.

6. Diritti

Hai il diritto di ottenere conferma se in Fancyhaus stiamo trattando dati personali che ti riguardano o meno.

Likewise, you have the right to access your personal data, as well as the right to request the withdrawal of unused data or, if necessary, to request its cancellation when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

In certain circumstances, you may request the limitation of the treatment of your data, in which case we will keep them only for the exercise or the defense of claims.

In addition, in certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation, you may exercise your right to oppose the processing of your data. Fancyhaus will interrupt the processing of data, unless for legitimate and convincing reasons, or for the exercise or defense of possible claims.

Parimenti, will be able to exercise the right to data portability, as well as to revoke the consents given at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consensus prior to the revocation.

If you wish to use any of your rights, you can contact us directly at the following address [email protected] and we will help you with any of these points:

  • In order to exercise your right to access
  • In order to exercise the right to rettifica
  • In order to exercise the right to Cancellation (Dimenticato)
  • In order to exercise the right to the treatment limitation
  • In order to exercise your right to opposizione
  • To exercise your right to the portability

 7. Sui cookie policy

General information about cookies

The trust of users is important to us and therefore to us and to Fancyhaus we care about protecting your privacy. An important aspect is to provide you with as much information as possible about how we use your personal data, including how we use local data storage and similar technologies.

Local data storage involves storing various types of data locally on your device through your web browser. Locally stored data may, for example, contain user input, information about how you navigate our Web site, which Web browser you use, which advertisements have been viewed, and similar behavior on Web sites with which we partner. Locally stored data can be used to customize the content and functionality of our services to make your visit more convenient and meaningful.

One method of local data storage is cookies. Cookies are small text files stored on your device (PC, cell phone or tablet) that allow us to recognize your web browser. Cookies contain information mainly about your web browser and any activity that has been verified in it. They help us to guarantee the security and optimal functioning of our Web site. Once our Web site has been launched, they are deleted (security cookie and session cookie) and collect information about products of interest to our Internet visitors and how to navigate our Web site to make our Web site more effective. online offers more attractive to users (tracking cookie).

Further information about cookies

We use local data archiving for a number of purposes, including: to allow you to follow our services; to provide relevant and personalized content when you visit our Web sites; to measure and analyze traffic on our Web site; to improve our services; and to identify specific advertising. More details on these topics are reported below:

  • For our pubblicità

We use the local archiving of data related to public activities. This allows us to know if and how often the user has seen an advertisement or a certain type of advertisement, and how long ago it was seen.

We also use local data archiving to create segments and target groups for marketing scopes and to identify specific advertisements.

  • To analyze and improve our services

We use various monitoring tools that provide us with statistics and analysis of our services. These tools allow us to recognize the web browser over time and to find out if the user has already visited the website and, if so, how often. These tools give us the possibility to have an overview of how many unique users we have and how they use our services.

At the same time, we use the information we have collected and analyzed to develop and improve our services; for example, to find out which services generate a lot of traffic or to see if a service works optimally.

  • To provide and adapt the services to your use

The local filing of data is required and necessary to allow you to use our services, such as information about your taxes, which tell us how the services should be displayed in your web browser.

We also use local data storage to adapt our services to your use.

Cookie management

You can disable cookies or set your browser to warn you when a cookie is being sent to you.

The settings of your web browser only show a list of all the cookies that have been stored to give you an overview and, if you wish, to delete unwanted cookies. In general, you can indicate that you accept the storage of cookies from the Web sites visited or from third parties affiliated to such Web sites. You can also choose to be notified each time a new cookie is stored. You will then be provided with instructions on how to perform this operation in the various Web browsers. Your web browser normally stores the cookie in a specific card on your hard disk so that you can examine the content in more detail.

However, the cookies present on the website change frequently and not all cookies are equally important. Therefore, if Fancyhaus If you modify the use of the tracking cookies, you will be notified with a message.

In addition, specially developed services are available to provide users with an updated list of cookies and other traction mechanisms.

Keep in mind that if you are disabled, you may not be able to use all the features of our website.

Below is an overview of how locally stored data can be managed in different web browsers. Keep in mind that this process may change and the descriptions provided here may not be updated.

Cookie management in Google Chrome

  • How to delete cookies:
  • Go to Impostazioni in the browser menu.
  • Click on Mostra impostazioni avanzate.
  • Click on Cancel navigation data.
  • Select the period of time for which you want to delete the information from the top menu. If you want to delete all cookies in the browser, click on Clear from the time period.
  • Segnala Cookie and other data from sites and plugins.
  • Click on Cancel navigation data.
  • Chiudi la finestra.
  • How to prevent the storage of cookies in the web browser:
  1. Go to Impostazioni in the browser menu.
  2. Click on Mostra impostazioni avanzate, then on Impostazioni contenuto.
  3. Under Cookie, select the option you prefer. If you want to prevent the storage of all cookies click on Do not allow the saving of site data.
  4. Fare click su Fine.
  5. Chiudi la finestra.

Cookie management in Safari

  • How to delete cookies:
  1. Go to Preferences in the browser menu.
  2. Click on the Privacy page.
  3. Click on Remove all data from the Web site, then click on Delete to remove all cookies.
  4. Chiudi la finestra.
  • How to prevent cookies from being stored in your web browser:
  1. Go to Preferences in the browser menu
  2. Click on the Privacy page.
  3. In Cookies and website data select the option you prefer. If you want to prevent all cookies from being stored, click on Always block.
  4. Chiudi la finestra.

Cookie management in Mozilla Firefox

  • How to delete cookies:
  1. Go to Options in the browser menu.
  2. Click on the Privacy page.
  3. Click on your Mostra cookie.
  4. Select the cookies you want to delete and click on Delete selected. Click on Delete all if you want to delete all cookies in your web browser.
  5. Close the window. All the modifications made will be automatically saved.
  • How to prevent cookies from being stored in your web browser:
  1. Go to Impostazioni in the browser menu.
  2. Please select the Privacy tab.
  3. In Chronology, click on Use customized impositions for the chronology.
  4. Select your preferred options in Website cookie consent. If you want to prevent the storage of all cookies, uncheck the box Accetta i cookie dai siti web.
  5. Close the window. All the modifications made will be automatically saved.

Cookie management in Internet Explorer

  • How to delete cookies:
  1. Go to Strumenti (large icon) in the browser menu.
  2. Click on Proprietà Internet.
  3. Nella scheda Generale - Cronologia esplorazioni, fare clic su Delete.
  4. Be sure to select the option Cookies and Web site data.
  5. Fare click su Delete.
  6. Click on OK.
  • How to prevent cookies from being stored in your web browser:
  1. Go to Strumenti (large icon) in the browser menu.
  2. Click on Internet Options and then on Privacy.
  3. Set the scroll bar to the desired level. If you want to prevent the storage of all cookies, select the level Block all cookies.
  4. Click on OK.

Cookie management in Opera

  • How to delete cookies:
  1. Go to Impostazioni in the browser menu.
  2. Select the Privacy and Security tab.
  3. Click on Cookie, then click on All cookies and website data.
  4. Select the cookies you want to delete and click Delete. Click on Delete all if you want to delete all cookies in your web browser.
  5. Fare click su Fine.
  6. Chiudi la finestra.
  • How to prevent cookies from being stored in your web browser:
  1. Go to Impostazioni in the browser menu.
  2. Select the Privacy and Security tab.

Under Cookie, select the option you prefer. If you wish to prevent the storage of all cookies, click on Do not allow the storage of site data.

  1. Chiudi la finestra.
  • Cookie dei social network. These cookies allow you to share the contents of the website with social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). We do not have any control over these cookies, because they are imposed by the same social media platforms. In section 3 on pixels and social plugins you can learn more about how social network cookies are used in social plugins.
  • Cookie pubblicitari. These cookies allow us to show you customized advertisements on third party websites based on the interests you have expressed in our products and services during your visit to our website. These cookies do not collect information that identifies you, all information is anonymous.
  • We will be able to advertise on our website according to your interests, including the technology for targeted advertising or marketing ( retargeting and remarketing ) provided by third parties (" venditori di terze parti "), as ad esempio:
  • C Criteo SA Parigi, France
  • DoubleClick , a division of Google Ireland Limited, Dublino, Ireland
    • Google Analytics Pubblicità è a service of Google Inc., Mountain View, , USA
    • Facebook Ireland Limited, Dublin, Ireland
    • Instagram LLC, Menlo Park, U.S.A.
    • Adform A/S, Copenaghen, Danimarca

to analyze the way in which you navigate on our website. This allows us to show you personalized ads. For these scopes, cookies are stored on your computer. During your visit to our website, neither third-party providers nor we collect personalized data, only anonymous data. The use of this technology is fully compliant with the relevant data protection legislation. Thanks to this data we can, for example, send you advertising messages on third party websites, personalized according to your interests in our products; Therefore, after your visit to our web site, in which you have shown interest in a certain series of products, this technology may subsequently show you further information in the form of advertising, while you are browsing on another web site. Our goal in using this technology is to best adapt the information available to your interests and make your experience on the Internet as informative as possible. You can however modify the settings of your browser to not store these cookies and to delete cookies already stored. You can find the opt-out functions for third party browsers at the following link:


The anonymous data generated during the use of Google Analytics public functionality can be used for demographic and interest reporting, as well as for network impression reporting. 

What are pixel and social plugins, which ones do we use and how can we exclude them?

We also use other technologies on our website that allow us and third party providers to offer you a more personalized and engaging experience on the Internet, for example by showing you ads on your social media channels that are more relevant to you or by allowing you to share your experiences on our website through social networks. In the meantime we use the following technologies:

-Facebook pixel. Facebook pixels are small programs that appear on our website as virtually invisible pixel-sized "dots" that create a link between your visit to our site and Facebook. When the pixel is loaded, Facebook inserts a cookie called "fr" on your computer, which allows you to offer more personalized ads, but also to evaluate and improve the ads. This cookie lasts 90 days. You can find more information about the Facebook cookie in the index: . Keep in mind that once the "fr" cookie is set, Facebook may be able to track your browsing pattern on other websites that have implemented a Facebook pixel or a social plug-in.

- Social plugins. Social plugins are small programs that create a link between your visit to our website and the social media platform of a third-party provider. Thanks to the social plugin, the third party provider will be able to know that you have visited our website and receive the cookies previously placed on your computer. We use social plugins from the following third party providers:

Click on the URL of each of these third-party providers to learn more about their plug-ins. Keep in mind that we cannot control how these social plug-ins work, what data they collect or what the third party provider does with the information. For further information on how these third-party providers use your personal data collected through their social plug-ins, you can consult the respective privacy notices.

We use the latest update of the Facebook Pixel through which Facebook can deposit its own cookies and use those of Fancyhaus to obtain information for its own advertising activity.

You can access a mechanism that allows you to act on the basis of this decision on e .

Contact information

For greater transparency, if you have any questions regarding the use of the local archiving space on our website, we ask you to contact us at the following address [email protected] with "Politica sui cookie" in the link of the object.